Welcome to RustHaven

RustHaven is what it is today, because of great players like YOU!

Just Wiped
[US] RustHaven Main [2X] [PVE] [NO BP WIPE] [RP] [HIGHLY MODDED] Server Image
[US] RustHaven Main [2X] [PVE] [NO BP WIPE] [RP] [HIGHLY MODDED] Custom Map - Forbidden Lands
7 / 50 players
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A vending machine in Rust


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Absolutely no racism, sexism, trolling, player/staff disrespect, or hate speech.

No Hacking, exploiting, scripting, or cheating of any kind.

No toxic behavior. No monument blocking. Advertising links for yourself, twitch, youtube, etc... is not allowed without admin approval. No inappropriate signs or paintings.

Please turn turrets to peacekeeper mode and unload SAM sites while you are offline.

ADMINS RESERVE THE RIGHT TO BAN/WIPE/MUTE ANYONE AS THEY SEE FIT. To submit questions, comments, or concerns, please message us in-game, or on discord at discord.gg/vWHZQhp


Avatar of The Salmon Hammer
The Salmon Hammer Admin